Security Awareness Tips. Your safety and security are very important in every aspect of your life. Use these tips to help protect yourself, your loved ones and your valuables. EXTREME COLD SAFETY. When extreme cold arrives, there are many challenges to stay safe. It is important to take extreme cold seriously and minimize your risk of exposure. Preventive Action is Your Best Defense. (1) Prepare your home and car in advance for cold-weather emergencies: (2) Winterize your home by insulating, using weather stripping and caulking, and installing storm windows (3) Create a home emergency kit that has enough supplies for three to seven days. (4) Keep anti-freeze and windshield washer fluids at proper levels in your car and have a full tank of gas. (5) Carry a vehicle emergency kit that includes warm clothing, a blanket, a scraper, a shovel, a flashlight with extra batteries and jumper cables if you are residing in a severe snow area. If you must go outside, make it brief and avoid physical exertion, as cold weather puts extra strain on the heart. (6) Wear several layers of loose-fitting clothing: Outer layer-Wear a coat made from a tightly woven fabric that is wind- and water-resistant. Inner layer-Fabrics like wool, silk or polypropylene hold more body heat than cotton. (7) Wear a hat, a scarf to cover your face and mouth, mittens and water-resistant boots. (8) Remove extra layers of clothing if you feel too warm, as excess perspiration can increase heat loss. (9) Avoid wet clothing, which loses 90 percent of its insulating value. Shivering should not be ignored; it means your body is losing heat. (10) Do not drink alcoholic or caffeinated beverages, which cause your body to lose heat more rapidly. Don’t forget to bring your pets indoors!
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