These are very strong presidents of some African countries that ruled with Stiff and rigid laws; but were either brutalized, arrested, escaped or killed. These men were men, some were richer than their country, some were very brilliant, some were dictatorial by leadership style; but have left legacies; some of their legacies were lessons to other leaders such as Nigeria. These leaders includes Emperor Jean-Bedel Bokassa, Mobutu Sese-Seko, Field Marshal Idi Amin Dada of Uganda, Charlse McArthur Ghankay Taylor, Sekou Taure, Macias Ngume, Siad Barre, Hissene Habre, Mengitsu Haile Mariam, Kamuzu Banda, Gnassingbe eyadema, Laurent Gbabo etc. Reflecting back into how these men leads their countries, but end-up in various calamities; ours should have learnt lesson had it been he is well equiped with the history of Africa and the world at large. Leadership can be sweet, but always end so bitter than the taste of Mahogany roots especially when you struggle to remain on power by all mean. A word is enough for Goodluck Jonathan.
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